Deuchries wind farm was granted consent on 1st April 2014 by Aberdeenshire Council and was officially opened in August 2018. It is situated 1.5km to the east of Aberchirder in Banff and Buchan. The wind farm comprises 3 x 2.35MW turbines, giving a total installed capacity of 7.05MW.

Deuchries Wind Farm
Site statistics
Aberdeenshire - 1.5km east of Aberchirder
Project benefits
A Community Fund was established by Force 9 Energy, with funding of £5,000 per Mega Watt of Installed Capacity. Over the lifetime of the development, a community benefit fund of over £600,000 will be provided to the Aberchirder & District Community Association, and the Alvah & Forglen Community Council.
3 turbines
Links & downloads
*Please note that this figure is based on 3 turbines with a rated capacity of 2.35MW operating at 25.5% capacity (measured wind speeds from site) and assuming 3,938 is the average UK household electricity consumption in kW hours (based on DECCs publication Energy Consumption in the UK (2016).